Top 5 Metrics to Track Multilingual Content Performance

Language barriers can be a hurdle to reaching your global audience. But just translating your content isn't enough. To truly resonate with international users, you need to localise it for their specific needs and cultural context.

Simply translating a local language can’t lead to global success. Like any other campaign, multilingual content creation requires ongoing monitoring, analysis, and adaptation to see positive results. Now, this can feel like a bigger hurdle when you’re navigating different countries and cultures. Especially if you don’t have an in-house (or, readily available) team of multilingual specialists.

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of multilingual projects, let’s look at the reasons why translating content for new audiences is such a powerful strategy:

  • Access Massive Untapped Markets: Over 55% of the world’s population doesn’t speak English! Translating your content opens the way for a vast pool of potential customers to notice you who might have ignored your brand due to language barriers.
  • Boost Engagement & Trust: Did you know people trust content 2.6X more times in their native language? Not only does multilingual content show respect for diverse cultures but also adds a personal touch and fosters deeper engagement. 
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Personalised content has higher chances of touching the hearts of a global audience. Google prioritises content relevant to the user’s location and language. Improve your SEO ranking by translating your content with relevant keywords and drive organic traffic from new regions.
  • Increased Sales & Conversions: Hopping onto a website in a user’s native language can lead to a 72.1% increase in conversions. Remove the language barrier, if you want to make it easier for international customers to buy from you.

Maximise these benefits by monitoring your multilingual content strategy and unlock the true power of reaching customers on a global scale.

Key Metrics To Measure The Power Of Multilingual Content

So, you’ve created multilingual content – fantastic! But the journey doesn’t end there. To optimise your approach, monitoring its impact is crucial. By analysing key metrics, you’ll gain valuable insights into how your audience across the globe is responding to your message. 

Here’s an in-depth look into the essential metrics that will illuminate the power of your multilingual content strategy:

1. Total Reach

The reach of your multilingual content signifies the total audience exposed to it across various platforms like websites, social media, and email campaigns. With the right tools, you get a better idea of the total user engagement. This involves tracking metrics such as the number of visitors, content views, and click-through rates for each language and target market. Every data point, positive or negative, offers valuable insights. Even if a meticulously crafted piece doesn’t initially resonate, this information empowers you to refine your strategy for future content.

2. Engagement Rate

Engagement goes beyond reaching a larger audience. This metric dives into how people interact with your multilingual content. Look at likes, comments, shares, and ratings to understand how your content is sparking conversation and fostering interest. When you calculate your engagement rate, you get a percentage that reveals how many viewers took action compared to the total number who saw the content. This helps you evaluate performance across different platforms and languages. And also empowers you to conduct a comparative assessment of performance across diverse platforms.

3. Total Conversions

At the heart of any marketing effort lies a crucial objective – driving conversions. Whether it’s a purchase, a download, a subscription, or a registration, conversions translate interest into concrete actions that support your business goals. Tracking conversions specifically linked to your multilingual content is vital for measuring its effectiveness in generating leads or sales.

4. Retention Rate

A successful marketing strategy, multilingual or not, prioritises building long-term relationships with customers. Retention metrics help you understand if your content is keeping your audience engaged and coming back for more. High retention rates indicate that your content is piquing their interest, fostering brand loyalty, and potentially leading to repeat business.

5. Satisfaction Rate

Apart from other data-driven insights, it’s also essential to understand how your audience truly feels about your content. The best marketing content evokes emotional responses, be it amusement, excitement, or a sense of connection. Such emotional engagement can significantly influence conversions and customer loyalty. It can be a little harder to measure how happy people are with your content, but you can get clues from surveys, reviews, and how people react to your content on social media. Even though it isn’t a perfect number, it can still tell you a lot about what people think.

Transform your multilingual content strategy simply by monitoring these key metrics, and don’t forget to be consistent. Turn into a data-driven powerhouse that effectively reaches, engages, and converts a global audience.

Top Tools To Measure The Impact of Multilingual Content

Knowing what metrics to track is essential, but wielding the right tools to gather that data is equally important. Here are some powerful options to unlock the true impact of your multilingual content strategy:

Website Analytics

Your website is like your online store, the place you want people who see your multilingual content to end up. Most Content Management Systems (CMS) come equipped with built-in analytics tools, like YoastSEO for WordPress. These tools provide a well-rounded view of user behaviour by tracking metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions.

For even deeper insights, consider external powerhouses like Google Analytics or Bing Webmaster Tools. These platforms offer advanced features like data segmentation, allowing you to build detailed audience profiles for each language market. This proves invaluable as you refine and expand your multilingual strategy.

SEO Tools

There are lots of SEO tools out there, both free and paid. These tools can help you improve your multilingual content and make it even better. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush empower you to track reach across languages, while also measuring performance in terms of keywords, backlinks, and domain authority.

By delving deeper into SEO best practices, you can optimise everything from content creation to website structure. This ensures your content not only thrives in your existing market but also outperforms competitors in your new target markets.

User Feedback and Surveys

Quantitative data is valuable, but user feedback and surveys add a qualitative dimension to evaluating your multilingual content. Consider beta-reading your content with a small audience group from your target market. Alternatively, send out broader surveys to all users. The actionable insights can help discover if your content is well-liked.

Uncover potential issues like poorly translated puns (that’s where transcreation experts come in!) or user interface challenges. Remember, real people’s experiences offer a richness of information that numerical data alone cannot provide. Use online survey tools, or reach out directly to your most loyal customers for honest reviews.

With such tools, you can refine your approach, optimise content for maximum impact, and ultimately achieve global success.

How To Optimise Your Multilingual Strategy

Once you’ve collected data from various sources, metrics, and channels, you need to know how powerful the insights are and what actions you can take next. Here’s how to transform your data trove into a strategic roadmap for global success:

1. Power of the Spreadsheet

Every good marketer knows the value of a well-organised spreadsheet. This is where you’ll consolidate all your data – website analytics, user feedback, SEO insights, and social media engagement metrics. Create a comprehensive multilingual content calendar, incorporating details like publish dates, target platforms (website, social media, email), and corresponding performance metrics for each piece of content.

2. Data Comparison & Contrast

This is where the magic happens. By meticulously comparing and contrasting data points across various content pieces and platforms, you’ll start to identify trends.  Perhaps certain content performed exceptionally well on social media, while others resonated more through email campaigns or directly on your website. This comparative analysis is the cornerstone of optimising your strategy.

3. Transform Insights into Action

The data speaks volumes – but it’s up to you to listen and act.  Content that underperformed on social media might benefit from a creative refresh or a more targeted promotional strategy. Conversely, content that thrived via email marketing might inspire the creation of similar pieces tailored for different language markets.

4. Dominate New Markets

Once you’ve got insights from your data analysis, refine your multilingual content strategy with laser focus. Replicate successful content formats and themes across different languages. Identify gaps in your content offerings and address them with targeted content creation. This data-driven approach empowers you to not just enter new markets, but to truly dominate them.

Remember, data is a continuous conversation, not a one-time snapshot. Regularly revisit your content calendar, analyse fresh data points, and adapt your strategy accordingly. This iterative process ensures your multilingual content remains dynamic, high-performing, and culturally relevant, moving you towards global marketing success.

Need a fresh perspective? Let’s talk.

At 360 OM, we specialise in helping businesses take their marketing efforts to the next level. Our team stays on top of industry trends, uses data-informed decisions to maximise your ROI, and provides full transparency through comprehensive reports.

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